Source code for apybiomart.classes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Created by Roberto Preste
import io
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, Tuple, Generator, List, Union
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

import asyncio  # noqa
import aiohttp
import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

class _BiomartException(Exception):
    """Basic exception class for BioMart exceptions."""

class _Server:
    """Basic server class used to call BioMart using sync or async calls.

        host: URL to connect to
        save: save results to a CSV file [default: False]
        output: output filename if saving results [default: None]

    def __init__(self,
                 host: str = "",
                 save: bool = False,
                 output: Optional[str] = None): = host = save
        self.output = output
        if not self._check_connection():
            raise _BiomartException("No internet connection available!")

    def _check_connection() -> bool:
        """Check for a functioning internet connection.

        url = ""
        timeout = 5
            _ = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout)
            return True
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
        return False

    def get_sync(self,
                 **params: Optional[str]):
        """Synchronous call to BioMart.

        Keyword Args:
            params: keyword arguments for the requests call

            request call to with given params
        resp = requests.get(, params=params)

        return resp

    async def get_async(self,
                        **params: Optional[str]):
        """Asynchronous call to BioMart.

        Keyword Args:
            params: keyword arguments for the async call

            asynchronous call to with given params
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.get(, params=params) as resp:
                return await resp.text()

[docs]class MartServer(_Server): """Class used to retrieve and list available marts.""" def __init__(self, save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_marts.csv"): super().__init__(save=save, output=output)
[docs] def find_marts(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the list of available marts as a dataframe. Returns: pd.DataFrame """ df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self._fetch_marts(), columns=["name", "display_name"]) df.columns = ["Mart_ID", "Mart_name"] df.replace(np.nan, "", inplace=True) if df.to_csv(self.output, index=False) return df
def _fetch_marts(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Any]]: """Retrieve the available marts from BioMart. Call BioMart to retrieve the available marts and return the internal dict used to parse them by self.list_marts(). Returns: dictionary from parsed xml """ resp = self.get_sync(type="registry") xml = ET.fromstring(resp.content) marts = list(zip(*self._mart_from_xml(xml))) return {"name": marts[0], "display_name": marts[1]} @staticmethod def _mart_from_xml(xml): """Extract mart information from XML. Parse the xml to extract name and display name of each mart. Args: xml: ElementTree retrieved from Biomart Returns: generator for each node in the xml """ for child in xml.findall("MartURLLocation"): yield (child.attrib["name"], child.attrib["displayName"])
[docs]class DatasetServer(_Server): """Class used to retrieve and list available datasets for a mart. Attributes: mart: BioMart mart name """ def __init__(self, mart: str, save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_datasets.csv"): super().__init__(save=save, output=output) self.mart = mart
[docs] def find_datasets(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the list of available datasets for a specific mart as a dataframe.""" df = pd.read_csv(self._fetch_datasets(), sep="\t", # TODO: look for proper names in Biomart documentation names=["type", "name", "display_name", "unknown", "version", "unknown3", "unknown4", "virtual_schema", "unknown5"], usecols=["name", "display_name"]) df["mart"] = self.mart df.columns = ["Dataset_ID", "Dataset_name", "Mart_ID"] df.replace(np.nan, "", inplace=True) if df.to_csv(self.output, index=False) return df
def _fetch_datasets(self) -> io.StringIO: """Retrieve available datasets for a mart. Call BioMart to retrieve the available datasets for a specific mart and return the internal string used to parse them by self.list_datasets(). Returns: io.StringIO element from response text """ resp = self.get_sync(type="datasets", mart=self.mart) return io.StringIO(resp.text)
[docs]class AttributesServer(_Server): """Class used to retrieve and list available attributes for a dataset. Attributes: dataset: BioMart dataset name """ def __init__(self, dataset: str, save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_attributes.csv"): super().__init__(save=save, output=output) self.dataset = dataset
[docs] def find_attributes(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the list of available attributes for a specific dataset as a dataframe.""" df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self._fetch_attributes(), columns=["name", "display_name", "description"]) df["dataset"] = self.dataset df.columns = ["Attribute_ID", "Attribute_name", "Attribute_description", "Dataset_ID"] df.replace(np.nan, "", inplace=True) if df.to_csv(self.output, index=False) return df
def _fetch_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Any]]: """Retrieve available attributes for a dataset. Call BioMart to retrieve the available attributes for a specific dataset and return the internal dict used to parse them by self.list_attributes(). Returns: dictionary from parsed xml """ resp = self.get_sync(type="configuration", dataset=self.dataset) xml = ET.fromstring(resp.content) attribs = list(zip(*self._attributes_from_xml(xml))) return {"name": attribs[0], "display_name": attribs[1], "description": attribs[2]} @staticmethod def _attributes_from_xml(xml) -> Generator[str, Any, Any]: """Extract attributes information from XML. Parse the xml to extract name, display name and description of each attribute. Args: xml: ElementTree retrieved from Biomart Returns: generator for each node in the xml """ for page in xml.iter("AttributePage"): for desc in page.iter("AttributeDescription"): attrib = desc.attrib yield (attrib["internalName"], attrib.get("displayName", ""), attrib.get("description", ""))
[docs]class FiltersServer(_Server): """Class used to retrieve and list available filters for a dataset. Attributes: dataset: BioMart dataset name """ def __init__(self, dataset: str, save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_filters.csv"): super().__init__(save=save, output=output) self.dataset = dataset
[docs] def find_filters(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the list of available filters for a specific dataset as a dataframe.""" df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self._fetch_filters(), columns=["name", "type", "description"]) df["dataset"] = self.dataset df.columns = ["Filter_ID", "Filter_type", "Filter_description", "Dataset_ID"] df.replace(np.nan, "", inplace=True) if df.to_csv(self.output, index=False) return df
def _fetch_filters(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Any]]: """Retrieve available filters for a dataset. Call BioMart to retrieve the available filters for a specific dataset and return the internal dict used to parse them by self.list_filters(). Returns: dictionary from parsed xml """ resp = self.get_sync(type="configuration", dataset=self.dataset) xml = ET.fromstring(resp.content) filters = list(zip(*self._filters_from_xml(xml))) return {"name": filters[0], "type": filters[1], "description": filters[2]} @staticmethod def _filters_from_xml(xml) -> Generator[str, Any, Any]: """Extract filters information from XML. Parse the xml to extract name, type and description of each filter. Args: xml: ElementTree retrieved from Biomart Returns: generator for each node in the xml """ for node in xml.iter("FilterDescription"): filt = node.attrib yield (filt["internalName"], filt.get("type", ""), filt.get("description", ""))
[docs]class Query(_Server): """Class used to perform either synchronous or asynchronous queries on BioMart. Attributes: attributes: list of attributes to include filters: dict of filter name : value to filter results dataset: BioMart dataset name """ def __init__(self, attributes: List[str], filters: Dict[str, Union[str, int, list, tuple, bool]], dataset: str, save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_query.csv"): super().__init__(save=save, output=output) self.attributes = attributes self.filters = filters self.dataset = dataset
[docs] def query(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Perform synchronous query. Return the result of the query based on the given attributes, filters and optional dataset using Server.get_sync(), as a pandas DataFrame. """ # Setup query element. root = ET.Element("Query") root.set("virtualSchemaName", "default") root.set("formatter", "TSV") root.set("header", "1") root.set("datasetConfigVersion", "0.6") # Add dataset element. dataset = ET.SubElement(root, "Dataset") dataset.set("name", self.dataset) dataset.set("interface", "default") # Add attribute elements. for name in self.attributes: try: self._add_attr_node(dataset, name) except KeyError: raise _BiomartException( "Unknown attribute {}, check dataset attributes " "for a list of valid attributes.".format(name)) if self.filters is not None: # Add filter elements. for name, value in self.filters.items(): try: self._add_filter_node(dataset, name, value) except KeyError: raise _BiomartException( "Unknown filter {}, check dataset filters " "for a list of valid filters.".format(name)) resp = self.get_sync(query=str(ET.tostring(root), "utf-8")) if "Query ERROR" in resp.text: raise _BiomartException(resp.text) try: result = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(resp.text), sep="\t") # Type error is raised of a data type is not understood by pandas except TypeError: raise ValueError("Non valid data type is used in dtypes") result.replace(np.nan, "", inplace=True) if result.to_csv(self.output, index=False) return result
[docs] async def aquery(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Perform asynchronous query. Return the result of the query based on the given attributes, filters and optional dataset using Server.get_async(), as a pandas DataFrame. """ # Setup query element. root = ET.Element("Query") root.set("virtualSchemaName", "default") root.set("formatter", "TSV") root.set("header", "1") root.set("datasetConfigVersion", "0.6") # Add dataset element. dataset = ET.SubElement(root, "Dataset") dataset.set("name", self.dataset) dataset.set("interface", "default") # Add attribute elements. for name in self.attributes: try: self._add_attr_node(dataset, name) except KeyError: raise _BiomartException( "Unknown attribute {}, check dataset attributes " "for a list of valid attributes.".format(name)) if self.filters is not None: # Add filter elements. for name, value in self.filters.items(): try: self._add_filter_node(dataset, name, value) except KeyError: raise _BiomartException( "Unknown filter {}, check dataset filters " "for a list of valid filters.".format(name)) resp = await self.get_async(query=str(ET.tostring(root), "utf-8")) if "Query ERROR" in resp: raise _BiomartException(resp) try: result = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(resp), sep="\t") # Type error is raised of a data type is not understood by pandas except TypeError: raise ValueError("Non valid data type is used in dtypes") result.replace(np.nan, "", inplace=True) if result.to_csv(self.output, index=False) return result
@staticmethod def _add_attr_node(root, attr: str): """Add the given attribute name to the dataset ElementTree sub-element. Args: root: dataset sub-element root node attr: attribute name """ attr_el = ET.SubElement(root, "Attribute") attr_el.set("name", attr) @staticmethod def _add_filter_node(root, name: str, value: Union[str, int, list, tuple, bool]): """Add the given filter name and value to the dataset ElementTree sub-element. Args: root: dataset sub-element root node name: filter name value: filter value """ filter_el = ET.SubElement(root, "Filter") filter_el.set("name", name) # TODO # Set filter value depending on type. # Boolean case if isinstance(value, bool): if value is True: filter_el.set("excluded", "0") else: filter_el.set("excluded", "1") # List case elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple): filter_el.set("value", ",".join(map(str, value))) # String case elif isinstance(value, str): if value.lower() in ("included", "only"): filter_el.set("excluded", "0") elif value.lower() == "excluded": filter_el.set("excluded", "1") else: filter_el.set("value", value) # Mostly int case else: filter_el.set("value", str(value))