Source code for apybiomart.apybiomart

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Created by Roberto Preste
import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Dict, Union
from .classes import MartServer, DatasetServer, AttributesServer, \
    FiltersServer, Query

[docs]def find_marts(save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_marts.csv") -> pd.DataFrame: """Retrieve and list available marts. Args: save: save results to a CSV file [default: False] output: output filename if saving results [default: 'apybiomart_marts.csv'] """ server = MartServer(save=save, output=output) return server.find_marts()
[docs]def find_datasets(mart: str = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_datasets.csv") -> pd.DataFrame: """Retrieve and list available datasets for a given mart. Args: mart: BioMart mart name (default: "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL") save: save results to a CSV file [default: False] output: output filename if saving results [default: 'apybiomart_datasets.csv'] """ server = DatasetServer(mart, save=save, output=output) return server.find_datasets()
[docs]def find_attributes(dataset: str = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_attributes.csv") -> pd.DataFrame: """Retrieve and list available attributes for a given mart. Args: dataset: BioMart dataset name (default: "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") save: save results to a CSV file [default: False] output: output filename if saving results [default: 'apybiomart_attributes.csv'] """ server = AttributesServer(dataset, save=save, output=output) return server.find_attributes()
[docs]def find_filters(dataset: str = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_filters.csv") -> pd.DataFrame: """Retrieve and list available filters for a given mart. Args: dataset: BioMart dataset name (default: "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") save: save results to a CSV file [default: False] output: output filename if saving results [default: 'apybiomart_filters.csv'] """ server = FiltersServer(dataset, save=save, output=output) return server.find_filters()
[docs]def query(attributes: List[str], filters: Dict[str, Union[str, int, list, tuple, bool]], dataset: str = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_query.csv") -> pd.DataFrame: """Launch synchronous query using the given attributes, filters and dataset. Args: attributes: list of attributes to include filters: dict of filter name : value to filter results dataset: BioMart dataset name (default: "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") save: save results to a CSV file [default: False] output: output filename if saving results [default: 'apybiomart_query.csv'] """ server = Query(attributes, filters, dataset, save=save, output=output) return server.query()
[docs]async def aquery(attributes: List[str], filters: Dict[str, Union[str, int, list, tuple, bool]], dataset: str = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", save: bool = False, output: str = "apybiomart_aquery.csv") -> pd.DataFrame: """Launch asynchronous query using the given attributes, filters and dataset. Args: attributes: list of attributes to include filters: dict of filter name : value to filter results dataset: BioMart dataset name (default: "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") save: save results to a CSV file [default: False] output: output filename if saving results [default: 'apybiomart_aquery.csv'] """ server = Query(attributes, filters, dataset, save=save, output=output) return await server.aquery()